CMA Blogs

Understanding the Dynamics of Our Market

  • Date: 2 April, 2018
  • Posted By: Convenience Measures Australia
  • Category: Insights

In such a competitive landscape we are always trying to improve our offer as if you don’t you will be left behind. During the year, I was fortunate to see a few overseas markets and some outstanding offers in which convenience stores are continuing to outpace the growth of supermarkets. Over the last few years, the level of investment by most retailers has led to improvements in how people use/shop the channel.

The truth is we had to, as movement would happen naturally with the increase in fuel efficient cars and having less of need to use the “servo”. As we migrate to true Convenience through the instore offerings that are broader than smokes, drinks and lollies, we have had to create both a better environment and offer for shoppers. In visiting overseas markets, the focus has been on the broadening food offers both in Convenience and on the go outlets, as well how creating an atmosphere or a place to stop has enhanced the offer. I believe that, while I haven’t visited all Convenience markets, that we can learn by what WAWA, Sheetz and Rutter’s have done in Philadelphia as well as what SPAR, Applegreen and Topaz have achieved in Ireland. Some outstanding offers that have been able to achieve significant growth as well as a real destination for Convenience shoppers.

Please click here for full article: C&I Magazine February-March 2018

